
Hi! My name is Psalm. I pronounce it /sam/, not /sɔm/. I live in a country most people associate with loud and angry voices.

I am a twenty-something year old person. I thought I would try this whole website thing again. The most important goal in my life right now is finishing my upper secondary education. What comes after that, you ask? Well, I'd love to go to uni, preferably take a course in computer science, ideally with a part-time job or something to finance the usual things. I wouldn't mind graphic design either.

My interests are all over the place:

A flying common buzzard from below A gaiwan and a teacup with tea leaves and liquid respectively A sheet of graph paper with mathematical equations

As you can see in my Box Of Interests, I love birdwatching and taking pictures of birds. Sometimes I draw letters and other things (to the best of my abilities), and I'm also interested in graphic design. Another field that I'd love to explore is maths. And like other people, I enjoy listening to many types of music. Finally, I enjoy drinking loose leaf teas.